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A member registered Jan 07, 2021

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(1 edit)

Looks like when chapter 6 goes public I will be playing from the start again since there is an android version now. In the process of play 1-5 in joiplay atm. BTW absolutely love the way you end chapters great writing though there are some spelling errors and duplicate words they are easy to read around great work looking forward to future chapters, only wish I was able to help support you on patreon. Keep up the great work.

Great story loved every minute of it. Had some good laughs and even some cries would love to see more from you.

I don't disagree with that either I understand that it takes a lot of time to make these games. But only offering this to there $10 donors only won't help them gain a lot of recognition. They could have different tiers and the cheaper tiers could gain access to the game later than those who choose to pay the $10. I see many game devs taking this approach and doing so with great success. And there is an even higher chance that people would choose to get a higher tier to play the game sooner once they find out that they really love the game. So again I guess I should have not worded my previous message in such a way since I meant things a bit differently.

I think the devs are just money hungry Unlike most game devs they haven't released a new public update in over 2 years yest they release updates to there $10 plus patreons. Hell they don't even offer anything to there $1 patreons. I can't believe anyone actually pays them for anything they have some poor customer service.